About the Author

Narayan-Singh earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Oregon, including several years teaching, research assisting and working at mental hospitals, a counselling center, a mental health clinic, and the institution for the retarded. He started out as the clinical director of one of the first behavior modification treatment programs for emotionally disturbed children. He pioneered the successful healing of deep emotional wounds in both children and their families through the integration of behavioral and psychoanalytic approaches.

Narayan-Singh went on to serve in this role in several other innovative treatment programs for children and adolescents over a 30-year span. Along the way, he opened and ran a nightclub for teenagers during the 1960's, as well as co-ran a series of large inter-racial and inter-generational encounter groups for high school teachers, administrators and students. He was also a consultant for programs for alcoholics, drug dependents, juvenile and adult corrections, and the department of children's services. In addition, he also functioned as a forensic psychologist for these populations.

Along with all his clinical work, he served as a professor of psychology at the University of Portland for several years, where he trained people in professional clinical psychology. During this time, his growing spiritual awareness and commitment ultimately resulted in his becoming a Western Sikh. After many years, however, in 2006 he changed his name to underscore his new self-identity and insights.

He is the author of more than 30 books and a large number of articles.